Embrace me, My Poem for Peace, Equality and Compatibility
I wish all knew
That “you and I”
Have been waiting for ages to see liberty
Though our wings are tied up with chain
And yet, we want to fly
To reach to the tops of Hendokosh and Humalia
Our (My and Your) dreams
Will come true
That “you and I”
Have been waiting for ages to see liberty
Though our wings are tied up with chain
And yet, we want to fly
To reach to the tops of Hendokosh and Humalia
Our (My and Your) dreams
Will come true
I wish there were
No war between us
Neither sign nor destruction of war
Like the one that we see in Darulaman Palace in Kabul
I wish there were no prison built
No painful experience of human memories
Painted on the walls
No records of such throbbing memories and times
in history
I wish I could
Love you in some other time
When there was no war
a more poetic and kind era
An era where flower scent, book scent and poem scent
And your body scent could be smelled by me
I wish there was peace
Togetherness, romance and love
Joy and smile
So that I could draw your beautiful smile in an artistic way
The lips that smile among war-torn masses
I wish we were together forever
So that I could see your tress parted by winds
Your lips by kiss
Your eyes in ogle
Your hands in dance
Like fly of your tress by wind
The best message is peace
I wish there were peace everywhere
so that in its presence
We could get lost in our amusement
War is like cage
Peace is like a pigeon
I wish all the hunters
Could forget the thought of making cages
So that the beautiful pigeons
Could yell out the word peace
And they didn’t have to live in cages or darkness
Peace is embracing the humans
And friendship among religions
The motto of this institution
Is peace and reconciliation
In a peaceful and togetherness environment
No prison with long walls had to come in existence
in the midst of people
Instead greenhouses could emerge
For florist to grow his flower, sell them
Through that offer and promote love and friendship
Is rifle and tank
Hatred and bloodshed
But peace is embracing men
And friendship between you and me
So, hug me
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