Street Theater to End Violence Against Women in Afghanistan

Part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, actors from the Asia Culture House put on six live street theatre performances in Kabul and Bameyan and adjoining places during the 16 Days Activism. Each performance, supported by the UN Women Afghanistan office and was followed by a lively audience discussion

In the central region of Afghanistan, as in other areas of the country, Afghan women and girls continue to face many challenges, including all types of violence and early marriage, among others. In addition, under-representation of Afghan women in government and social life continues to be a notable issue.

The main objective of the street theatre which is conducted in Kabul to end violence against women was to go closer to the main audience of the project who life's in the sideline of the city and those who have been marginalized by society. 

The program created a new space for common people and identified audience. The other objective of the street theatre program was mainly to share different type of violence which the most of the women faced to them and we have conveyed our particular idea's through the direct but brief and effective means of dramaturgy.

We have organized street theater and used it as a strong tools to end violence against women and was one of the effective program of Asia Culture House which is funded by UN Women Afghanistan. This program was designed to raise awareness campaign for the elimination of violence against women. 

A group of theater artists have exercised and prepared for a theater performances which is designed to perform in the public. The group has performed different types of violence in front of hundreds of participants in the public which Afghan women continue to face many many difficulties. 

The 16 Days campaign – which runs each year between the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) and Human Rights Day (10 December) – is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls in Afghanistan. 



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