Afghanistan Traditional Dress

 Afghanistan has a longstanding and diverse cultural heritage. This diversity of culture in Afghanistan has both historic and geographic origin. While Kandahar is best known for its Afghani Gand, Hazarajat is best known for its hand embroidery. Northern parts of Afghanistan, on the other hand, are best known for delicious foods and for quality music. 

While most of the folkloric customs are still alive, some elements of Afghan culture are under threat of getting forgotten. There have been numerous efforts to document, archive and protect this heritage, yet, they do not suffice. As such, efforts should be made to revive, celebrate and broadcast these diverse elements of Afghanistan culture. 

This celebration will not only show how diverse Afghan culture is, but, will also make the public take pride in this diversity and celebrate it. Acknowledging diversity, by itself, is part of group identity and unity. As such, a cultural festival that promotes diversity of Afghanistan’s clothing can best result in unity of individual identities.

Reintroducing arts and traditional dress as well as diffusing knowledge of history and customs are essential for a successful reconstruction process in Afghanistan. They can foster the development of a common identity and lay the foundation for intercultural exchange and tolerance in the region.

Dress is an important component of our daily lives. Through clothing, individuals establish their sense of self as well as their place in society. The connections between dress and both individual and collective identities continue to be of interest to scholars and practitioners in the world of fashion and dress.


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