Forcing Women to Disappear Under Burqa, It is women rights violation

Burqas are full-body coverings with a mesh covering for the face. Some fundamentalist Muslims interpret disputed passages in the Koran as requiring women to entirely cloak themselves when in public.

As the Taliban takes one districts after another while closing in on the large provinces, prices for the all-concealing burqas are skyrocketing as Afghan women don't want to be targeted by the hardline Islamist militant

In regard to the society portrayed in the book, the burqa reveals the levels of control that men exert over the lives of women, and how the most virtuous women are considered to be the most subserviently. 

After more than 10 years of the fall of Taliban in Afghanistan, still women are forced to wear Burqa in around Afghanistan. most of the women in the provinces are, even in Kabul and Bameyan, are forced to disappear under the Burqa. It is a kind of women violation and violence against women. Violence against women is tolerated in the name of tradition all over the country. 

It is an obvious reminder of how the Taliban, who required women to wear the burqa, systematically abused the fundamental rights and freedoms of Afghan women, leaving them with the lowest life expectancy in the region and highest rates of maternal death. 

Photos by Najeeb Farzad 



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